FILAF 2018
FILAF 2018
FILAF 2017
FILAF 2017
FILAF 2016
FILAF 2016
FILAF 2015
FILAF 2015
FILAF 2014
FILAF 2014
Hors les Murs
Chaque été, le FILAF organise une grande exposition.
Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre et Gilles sont autant d'artistes qui ont été présentés ces dernières années.
FILAF 2013
Pierre et Gilles
Le Génie du Christianisme
Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan
été 2018
Cette exposition vise à présenter une série d’œuvres anciennes et inédites ayant le sacré religieux pour point commun. Se développe ainsi une imagerie pieuse mais prise au filet des poses marquées et des couleurs ultra saturées de Pierre et Gilles. La chapelle désacralisée, dont les fresques murales sont masquées en attente d’une restauration, retrouve ainsi sa vocation mystique le temps de l’exposition du duo français. Loin d’être une provocation, l’exposition montre ainsi que l’imagerie religieuse de Pierre et Gilles perçue à travers une douzaine de grands formats s’inscrit parfaitement dans un cadre traditionnel et renvoie clairement à la sensualité déjà présente dans les peintures de la renaissance.

Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.
Hors les Murs
Chaque été, le FILAF organise une grande exposition.
Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre et Gilles sont autant d'artistes qui ont été présentés ces dernières années.
Pierre et Gilles
Le Génie du Christianisme
Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan
été 2018
Cette exposition vise à présenter une série d’œuvres anciennes et inédites ayant le sacré religieux pour point commun. Se développe ainsi une imagerie pieuse mais prise au filet des poses marquées et des couleurs ultra saturées de Pierre et Gilles. La chapelle désacralisée, dont les fresques murales sont masquées en attente d’une restauration, retrouve ainsi sa vocation mystique le temps de l’exposition du duo français. Loin d’être une provocation, l’exposition montre ainsi que l’imagerie religieuse de Pierre et Gilles perçue à travers une douzaine de grands formats s’inscrit parfaitement dans un cadre traditionnel et renvoie clairement à la sensualité déjà présente dans les peintures de la renaissance.

FILAF 2013
Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.
Une exposition en coproduction avec la Ville de Perpignan.
Commissariat Numa Hambursin.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
été 2017
David Lynch, connu pour ses films et séries, se pense avant tout comme un artiste, un peintre surtout. Son œuvre gravé est né de la rencontre avec les mythiques ateliers ITEM à Paris. Lynch y produit des séries d’œuvres complexes, obscures et mystiques, à l’image de son univers. Ses dessins ont été exposés pour la première fois à la Fondation Cartier en 2007. Ici c’est son œuvre gravé qui est mis en lumière à travers vingt-cinq lithographies récentes. Formes abstraites, symboles, énoncés mystérieux construisent en filigrane une narration où l’inquiétude se mêle à l’ironie.
Cette exposition de David Lynch est accompagnée d’un texte inédit de Mark Alizart.
Une exposition en coproduction avec la Ville de Perpignan.
Commissariat Numa Hambursin.
David Lynch
Works on Paper
Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan
été 2017
David Lynch, connu pour ses films et séries, se pense avant tout comme un artiste, un peintre surtout. Son œuvre gravé est né de la rencontre avec les mythiques ateliers ITEM à Paris. Lynch y produit des séries d’œuvres complexes, obscures et mystiques, à l’image de son univers. Ses dessins ont été exposés pour la première fois à la Fondation Cartier en 2007. Ici c’est son œuvre gravé qui est mis en lumière à travers vingt-cinq lithographies récentes. Formes abstraites, symboles, énoncés mystérieux construisent en filigrane une narration où l’inquiétude se mêle à l’ironie.
Cette exposition de David Lynch est accompagnée d’un texte inédit de Mark Alizart.
6th edition - 2016
International Art Book and Film Festival

Download the complete program here
© Arnaud Pyvka et Groupe ccc

Prize list books
Avant l’Avant-Garde.
Du jeu en photographie, 1890-1940
by Clément Chéroux (Textuel, 2015)
Les Archives de Tony Oursler
by Tony Oursler (JRP Ringier /
Fondation Luma, 2015)
Images Take Flight:
Feather Art in Mexico and Europe
by A. Russo, G. Wolf, D. Fane (Hirmer Publishers, 2016)
Prize list films
Malpartida - Fluxus Village
by María Pérez (2015, 73’, Prod :
prod Smiz & Pixel, Agencia Audiovisual Freak)
Action Space
by Huw Wahl (2016, 86’, Prod: Huw Wahl and Amanda Ravetz)
Tony Conrad, Completely In The Present
by Tyler Hubby (2016, 95’, Prod: Burning Bridges)
Honour Prize
Kenneth Goldsmith / Bertrand Lavier

Guests of Honour

Michel Houellebecq
He is a French literature precursor, especially for his descriptions of occidental human's sentimental, sexual misery, and for his intertextual style mixing several speeches. He received the Goncourt Prize in 2010 and is often nominated for the following years. He is also a poet in addition to writer, actor, cineast, scenarist and singer. He always discusses the existential loneliness and the denunciation of liberalism which exists even in an individual's privacy. He maintains the polemic to the delight of the media. Michel Houellebecq gives a very important place for his essayist work and intervenes in both national and international media.

Enrique Vila-Matas
​Spanish novelist and essayist, he was born in Barcelona. Following several collaborations and filmmaking in the cinema, and in the jolts of Franquism. He decides to settle in Paris where he writes several novels and meets Marguerite Duras and Copi. Back in Barcelona, he publishes many works and put in evidence his traditional antic style of writing, in which he exercises his virtuosity and his irony, featuring real or fictional beings. In 2016, as part of the movie EL dia de la Sipia, he becomes an actor and meets Miquel Barcelo.

Gérard Garouste
This painter, engraver, and sculptor is internationally known, Gérard Garouste's works are exposed to the greatest museum in the world. "For a long time, I was only a sum of questions. Today, I am not a wise, I am not cured, I am a painter" (L'intranquille, L'iconoclaste publishers). This sentence is a summary of his life by the author himself. The way he chooses rather study than enter the provocation, allow him a reflection about the being and the knowledge.

Catherine Millet
Catherine Millet is a French writer and art critic, producer, and director of the Art Press magazine. She became famous after the autobiographique publishing of La Vie sexuelle de Catherine M., a book in which she tells by a clinical and deconsecrated way her sexual life. She is also a publisher of several work, among which a photo book Légendes de Catherine Millet written by her companion Jacques Henric which made the headlines. She is also the author of several books about contemporary art and of critical essays dedicated to Yves Klein or Salvador Dali's life.

Kennet Goldsmith
After a very dense artistic career, this American created the website Ubuweb in which he militates for a writer without writing. Theorist, but also a poet and adept of conceptual art, his texts are developed according to new installation and diffusion forms in part with new numerical technologies. He is one of the champions of a recent movement of post-internet poetry, a form used by search engines that use it as raw material.

Bertrand Lavier
“The fact of bringing together images is as important as creating ones". All the work of this plastic contemporary french artist confirms this maxim as a worthy Marcel Duchamp's successor. Bertrand Lavier questions the relationships between art and everyday life, as well as the nature of the work of art among everyday life objects. Painting, sculpture, daily life objects are his favorite field to make his art evolve.

Matali Crasset
Versatility in an eclectic universe, craft, electronic music, allow her to be the origin of numerous achievements among which the industrial space design. Matali Crasset developed since the eighties a work that explores very various areas, from scenography to furniture, from graphism to interior architecture. Questioning the evidence of codes of our everyday life, she develops her sense of liberty in order to get away from it.

Jacques Henric
'As ferocious and precarious the real is, it is damn enjoyable to be". - Adorations perpétuelles (Seuil, 1994). Can we define Jacques Henric with this sentence? Essayist and novelist, he is the author of fifteen books and collaborates with Art Press, ruled by Catherine Millet. Previously, he collaborated with the magazine Les Lettres Françaises ruled by Aragon. Jacques Henric occupies a singular place in the contemporary literary world. This founder and polemist spirit give him writing which plays on several registers.

Julien Carreyn
Erecting the vintage and even the outmoded as a massive seduction weapon in a time where the digital is king, Julien Carreyn, drawer, painter, and photograph shakes our time by looking the perfect concatenation of images. He produced a corpus of images (photos and drawings), exploring a variety of territories such as erotic comics, manga, childish illustrations for his desire for imagination, and aestheticism. His images evoke a disappeared past engulfed in the waves of remembrance.
Book Jury
Film Jury

Jean-Hubert Martin
President of the Jury
Former Centre Pompidou director, art historian, and expository commissioner, he works through his professional career to the enlargement of the look put on both the contemporary art and the instauration of a speech between cultures.

Charles de Meaux
President of the Jury
Movie director and artist, he is one of the first to have worked about the space between plastic art and cinema. In 2002, Charles de Meaux (especially with Mathieu Copeland) has initiated "Anna Sanders Film World Tour".

Chiara Parisi
​Cultural programs director at the Monnaie de Paris, she has organized in 2013 "La Nuit des Musées" and "La Nuit Blanche" de Paris.

Mathieu Copeland
Expository commissioner and publisher, Mathieu Copeland lives and works in London. He especially organized the exhibitions Vides at the Centre Pompidou and at the Kunsthalle Bern in 2009, Soundtrack for an Exhibition and Alan Vega at the Contemporary Art Museum of Lyon, as well as Expart-Art Center - EAC at the ICA of London, at the Contemporary Art Museum of Lyon, at the Sztuki Lodz Museum, at the CAC Vilnius, Kunstihoone Tallinn and at Bizart Shangai. He also has been part of the 9th Bienne of Contemporary art of Lyon's commissioners. In 2002, Mathieu Copeland (especially with Charles de Meaux) initiated "Anna Sanders Films World Tour".

Olivier Gabet
Art historian and french museum curator, he started to work in 2005 at the City of Paris Modern Art Museum. He then became responsible for the decorative art collections at the Musée d'Orsay and teach at the Louvre school. In 2008, he led the Louvre Abu-Dhabi project before he became in 2013 the Paris decorative art museum's director.

Catherine Derosier-
Since 1986, she is the producer of cultural or artist's movies, in public or private sectors. She was also a journalist at the magazine Cinéma in the eighties with a topic about video creation. She taught the producer job and the fundamentals of the production at the Paris VIII University and in several professional schools. For fourteen years now, she has the responsibility for the production of the Musée du Louvre's films.

Marco Velardi
Editor-in-chief of the journal Apartamento

Jean-Pierre Devilliers
After the obtention of a cinema degree about the young german cinema of the sixties, Jean-Pierre Devilliers discovered the televisual world as a freelance cameraman. The Canal + creative euphoria brings him to the putting pictures of TV shows about cinema and his first documentary about Béatrice Dalle, Patrice Leconte, David Lynch, Emir Kusturica, Juliette Binoche, Catherine Deneuve, Claude Sautet, etc… Will then follow a documentary TV show with Philippe Labro for France Television about Romy Schneider, James Dean, Dalida, Serge Gainsbourg, Grace Kelly, Ernest Hemingway, Jacques Brel, and Marylin Monroe. A few years later, the visual writing of sociologic and historic documentaries will incite it to go back to painting and cinema by the process of film making.