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Outdoor Exhibitions

Every summer, the FILAF festival organizes an important exhibition.

Michel Houellebecq, David Lynch, Pierre and Gilles are some of the artists presented during the last years.



from the 28th of October to the 1st of November

FILAF Gallery, Perpignan

During the week of the festival, the FILAF welcomes into its walls of its gallery, the painter Till Rabus. His works lays on the tension between the mastering of a oil or watercolour technic rigorously classic, and modern subjects of daily life. Sometimes moving or trivial,  but all concentrating on the interrogation of the contemporary world.


 from the 28th of October to the 1st of November

Centro Espagnol, Perpignan

Discover or rediscover the work of Toma Dutter, Alexis Gallissaires, Mathieu Legrand, Clara Claus, Max Wyse, Julien Laporte, Charles-Henry Sommelette, Quentin Spohn and others. These eight artists worked in Perpignan or in the area exposed their works at the Centro Espagnol.



from Tuesday, June the 18th

Galerie du FILAF, Perpignan

On the occasion of the release of his book Entretiens (ed. du Regard), the FILAF festival organizes a public discussion

between Gilles Barbier and the art critic Richard Leydier,

as well as an exhibition of the drawings featuring in the book, and a signing session.

Held between 1995 et 2006, the book Entretiens relates the links that unite Gilles Barbier to numerous intellectuals, artists, scientists all around the world... with whom he seems to correspond in everyday life, delivering the quintessence of their thoughts by drawing them in order to better fix them in his memory. True intimate book, Gilles Barbier finally accepts to publish it, to initiates the use, which explains the edition limited to only five hundred numbered copies.

Capture d’écran 2019-05-02 à
Capture d’écran 2019-05-02 à
Capture d’écran 2019-05-02 à
Capture d’écran 2019-05-02 à


 June 20th - July 21st

Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan

An exhibition of  Jean-Michel Alberola and Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux.

Commissionership by Stéphane Corréard. In coproduction with the city of Perpignan.


"Jean-Michel Alberola and Arnaud Labelle Rojoux are both born after the Second World War, the first in 1953 in Saïda, in Algeria, and the second in 1950, in Paris. Even if they started their teenage years at a time when the "American Way of Life" still made everybody dream, they started their artistic practices once society had totally stopped to believe in modernist utopias. Their works mix inextricably images and words. However, the references (that abound) are sometimes so disguised, or at the contrary so transparent, that they defy the understanding: there is literally nothing to understand, or too much. Thus, because their paintings, drawings, sculptures, mural paintings etc. are strictly inapprehensible, the watcher stops too often on their surface. It would nevertheless be a unfortunate that he circulates too fast, because there is so much to see...

While so many points gather them together, and they are both important references for the current generation of artists and commentators, Jean-Michel Alberola and Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux had, inexplicably, never been reunited before. This exhibition repairs this oversight by presenting their works put in opposition, around their common obsessions for some major figures of literature, art, music and cinema, but also history and politics. Does the first enjoy more Elvis Presley, and the other Gene Vincent? Do they share a penchant for Bob Dylan, or Guy Debord? What did they learn from Marcel Duchamp, John Ford or Phil Spector? Labelle-Rojoux or Alberola? Which one left in Togo, hoping to find there the trace of Raymond Roussel, while the other followed the General de Gaulle in Thessaloniki, at 37 years of distance?

In the imposant shape of the Couvent des Minimes, seven secular "chapels"» will welcome, like as many book's chapters, the recent productions of this two artists, in a telescoping worthy of a synchrocyclotron of the art thought. This visual and mental bombardment should allow the watcher to "see", that is to say to reach, even imperfectly, to the energetic poetic and political charge hidden in the heart of this works".

Stéphane Corréard, curator of the exhibition.

Pierre and Gilles

Le Génie du Christianisme

Couvent des Minimes, Perpignan

summer 2018


This exhibition presents a series of ancient and unpublished works with the sacred and religion for common point. It develops a godly imagery but caught net of the poses marked and ultra saturated colors of Pierre and Gilles. The desecrated chapel, whose mural frescoes are masked waiting for restoration, finds its mystical vocation during the exhibition of the French duo. Not a provocation, the exhibition shows that Pierre and Gilles's religious imagery perceived through a dozen large formats fits perfectly into a traditional setting and clearly reflects the sensuality already present in the paintings of the Renaissance.

Souvenir (Isabelle Huppert), Pierre et Gilles, 2016, photographie imprimée par jet d’encre sur toile et peinte, 119 x 167 cm.
Courtesy des artistes et de la Galerie Templon, Paris - Brussels.

David Lynch

Works on Paper

Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan

summer 2017


David Lynch, best known for his films and series, thinks primarily as an artist, and a painter. His engraved work was born from the meeting with the legendary ITEM workshops in Paris. Lynch produces series of complex, obscure and mystical works, as his universe. His drawings were exhibited for the first time at the Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain in Paris in 2007. This is his engraved work that is highlighted through twenty-five recent lithographs. Abstract forms, symbols, mysterious utterances build a filigree narrative in which worry is mixed with irony.

This exhibition by David Lynch is accompanied by an unpublished text by Mark Alizart.

An exhibition in coproduction with the City of Perpignan.

Curated by Numa Hambursin.

Michel Houellebecq

Before Landing

Chapelle du Tiers Ordre, Perpignan

Summer 2016

The exhibition Before Landing is a scenario that leads the visitor through the obsessions of the writer. Michel Houellebecq develops here a singular work for which he associates his images with fragments of texts, fictions or poetry. Rural landscapes, urban development and transport hubs, recurring themes of these sequences, echo the prospective visions of France developed in La carte et le territoire (Prix Goncourt 2010). They also reveal the writer's unique perspective on the world. The Hexagon is thus contemplated from hills, towers or planes on landing. As in his literature, it is a question of seeing far. A model look that, as in the novel, says « la carte est plus intéressante que le territoire ». 


FILAF Gallery and Artbook Shop

FILAF Gallery / Artbook Shop invites artists to produce works combining literature, cinema and drawing. Through three to five exhibitions per year, artist residencies and the production of associated micro-editions.


FILAF is also a artbook store and sells magazines specializing in art such as Parkett Magazine, ArtReview, Apartamento, The British Journal of Photography or ArtPress.


FILAF Gallery is supported by DRAC Occitanie.


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